Article by Alfredo Munoz, Founder at ABIBOO Studio.
For the Spanish version of this article, visit here.
The current geopolitical landscape, marked by conflicts and the potential for future global wars, has heightened concerns about nuclear fallout. While a fully equipped doomsday bunker is an ideal solution (and ABIBOO Studio, for instance, leverages expertise in extreme environments, space architecture, and modular and custom bunker construction), not everyone has the financial resources or time to access such specialized shelters.
Moreover, even individuals with access to a bunker might not have enough time to reach it safely, as the first minutes following a nuclear explosion are critical. While these guidelines are based on general scenarios, the initial 45 minutes post-explosion are considered vital (though specific timing will depend on the explosion’s magnitude and your distance from it).
This guide provides a concise, non-technical, yet rigorous protocol on what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion. It covers an overview of the risks of nuclear radiation exposure, the urgency of immediate action, and the importance of having essential life-support systems (air, water, and food) available.

Section 1. 10-step protocol in Case of Nuclear Exposure:
After a nuclear explosion, follow these steps:
- Do Not Look at the Sky: The intense flash from a nuclear explosion can cause temporary or permanent blindness. Immediately seek indoor shelter to protect yourself from the blast wave, heat, and radiation.
- Take Potassium Iodide Tablets: If available, take potassium iodide tablets as soon as possible (ideally immediately after the explosion) to help protect your thyroid gland from radioactive iodine. The CDC recommends specific dosages for different age groups and situations.
- Cover Exposed Skin: Quickly cover your head and body with any available cloth to minimize direct exposure. If possible, use damp towels to help absorb thermal energy and reduce burn risks. Remember, this is a temporary measure. When available, wear proper protective clothing for enhanced protection.
- Use Protective Gear while you are on your way to a safe location: Wear plastic bags on your shoes, latex or nitrile gloves to touch surfaces to avoid contact with ground radiation and use N99 or N95 masks (while these masks may help reduce the inhalation of radioactive particles, they are not designed for gaseous contaminants). These measures can help minimize your exposure to radioactive particles that may have settled on surfaces or are suspended in the air.
- Review Your Emergency Bag Contents: Ensure your emergency bag includes all necessary items for prolonged sheltering. (Refer to Section 3 for detailed contents.)
- Grab Your Pre-Packed Emergency Bag: Ensure you have a Survival Kit (ideally an emergency backpack) ready, which contains essential items needed for shelter.
- Seek Shelter Immediately: Move to an underground shelter or a structure with as much surrounding mass as possible (concrete, thick steel, water, etc.) to shield you from radiation. Even a “suboptimal” shelter reached quickly (within approximately 20 minutes) is preferable to an ideal bunker that is too far away. If the shelter is not designed specifically for NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection, minimize external air exchange to limit contamination. (More details in Section 2.)
- Decontaminate Upon Arrival: If possible, take a thorough shower with clean water and soap, including washing your eyes, to remove any radioactive particles from your skin and hair before entering the shelter.
- Remove Contaminated Clothing: Discard all clothing that may have been contaminated by radioactive material. Ideally, leave this clothing isolated outside the shelter.
- Remain Sheltered: Stay inside the shelter for at least 3 days, ideally up to 14 days, or until local authorities confirm that it is safe to leave. The longer you remain sheltered, the lower the radiation levels outside will become. Depending on the life support systems available, you may be able to extend the stay. Specialized bunkers provide self-sufficiency for months but given your circumstances, evaluate as needed. Keep a close eye to the CO₂ monitor (More details in Section 2.)

Section 2. Find a Shelter:
The primary objective of any shelter in a nuclear fallout scenario is to limit radiation exposure by effectively blocking external air and providing sufficient mass between you and the source of radiation. Underground structures, for example, benefit from natural earth shielding (even as little as 60cm (2 feet) of dirt over a slab can contribute to protection, though several feet of mass are preferable. Alternative mass sources, such as large bodies of water (as inside submarines or cruise ship mechanical rooms) or thick concrete walls, can also be effective.
However, the key is to ensure that there are no air leaks from the outside, as even sealed windows may allow radiation to penetrate through the glass (as the glass does not have the required indicated mass). If the design includes windows, they must be specially treated or sealed with materials that significantly reduce radiation penetration. If your shelter has openings, use dirt-bugs or rice-bags to close them thoroughly.
Once the inside environment is as “safe” as possible, you need to ensure you have the right life support systems to survive long periods of time. The informally called “rule of three” summarized well that a human cannot survive more than 3 minutes without breathing, 3 days without water, or 3 weeks without food. A well-designed shelter must balance radiation protection with the need for the correct life support systems.
1. Air Management:
Maintaining breathable air is the highest priority in a sealed shelter environment. Two primary solutions exist:
1A. Commercial NBC Filters:
If the shelter is equipped with nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) filters, these systems can safely exchange outside air while removing contaminants. Regular maintenance and testing are essential to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
1B. DIY Air Management Systems:
In shelters lacking dedicated filters, consider creating a controlled environment by installing a do-it-yourself carbon dioxide scrubber—similar to those used in submarines or spacecraft. Utilizing soda lime as a scrubbing agent, along with CO₂ detectors, oxygen tanks, and supplemental liquid oxygen (see Section 3 for details), can help maintain a breathable atmosphere. However, these systems are far from ideal, require careful calibration and monitoring, and should only be implemented as a last resort.
While inside the shelter, limit any physical activity to reduce oxygen consumption. It is critical to continuously monitor CO₂ levels using a reliable CO₂ monitor (more details in Section 3). Elevated CO₂ can lead to life-threatening hypoxia. In the event that CO₂ levels exceed safe thresholds, you may need to exit the shelter, weighing the risks of radiation exposure.
2. Water Supply:
With air secured, the next critical element is water. Since transporting large volumes of water is impractical, a self-contained, off-grid water storage solution at the shelter is essential. A large water deposit is recommended, using stainless steel, food-grade containers to maintain water quality over time. If this is not an option, high-quality plastic water containers can serve as an alternative. Additionally, it is advisable to have portable water purification methods on hand as a backup.
3. Food Supply:
While food is the least urgent concern compared to air and water, it remains an important component for long-term survival. Ready-to-eat meals, high-calorie food items, and MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) should be available at the shelter or stored in your survival kit (see Section 3 for detailed suggestions). More advanced solutions, such as hydroponics, can be implemented in tailored shelters but should be considered supplemental.
4. Psychological and Social Considerations:
Long-term sheltering can create significant psychological challenges, making mental well-being as critical as physical survival. Social conflict is not uncommon in confined environments, so team collaboration and a supportive atmosphere are essential. For further insights, I recommend exploring my TED(x) Talk [watch here] and my Oxford Union Debate [watch here] on related topics.
Additionally, designing the shelter to feel as comfortable and homey as possible by incorporating natural light simulation, ergonomic furnishings, and communal spaces can help maintain mental balance during prolonged periods of isolation. Firms like ABIBOO Studio, with extensive experience designing solutions for extreme environments, can make a huge impact on this front too.
5. Accessibility and Contingency Planning:
Consider scenarios such as being at work or at home during an explosion. Even luxury shelters are useless if they are too far away. Identify multiple locations that meet necessary life-support standards.
Even if you are Peter Thiel or Mark Zuckerberg, and you may have a luxury bunker in New Zealand or Hawaii, being in Silicon Valley during a nuclear fallout might leave you with no time to reach your distant luxury bunker safely. Do not be misled by the allure of a remote bunker; rapid access to an averagely safe shelter is far more important. In the case of a nuclear fallout, the best shelter is one that can be reached quickly.

Section 3. “Survival Kit” or “Emergency Backpack”. 30 Must-Haves:
Prepare a survival kit with the following essential items for your shelter. If you have access to a controlled shelter or bunker, you might leave many of these items there.
- Air and Respiratory Support (for those cases where you do not expect to have NBC filters at the shelter)
- 1. Soda Lime (or Zeolite as an alternative): A soda lime mixture (calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide) that changes color when saturated with CO₂, is used to absorb excess carbon dioxide and maintain a breathable atmosphere. Store safely and follow handling guidelines.
- 2. CO₂ Detector: A high-sensitivity, portable CO₂ monitor to continuously check air quality. Regular calibration is critical.
- 3. Oxygen Tanks: Supplemental portable oxygen tanks/bottles to extend your time inside the shelter, stored and handled according to safety guidelines.
- 4. Liquid Oxygen Supplement: An additional oxygen source for emergency use if CO₂ levels become dangerously high.
- Shelter Reinforcement
- 5. Sandbags or Rice Bags: To block doors and add extra mass to the shelter entrance, enhancing radiation shielding.
- Portable Tools for Radiation Protection, Communication, and Power
- 6. Radiation Detector: A portable device capable of measuring various types of radiation to determine the safety of your surroundings.
- 7. Emergency Hand-Crank Radio & Mobile Phone Charger: A hand-crank radio allows you to receive critical information without relying on batteries, while the charger keeps your mobile phone functional for emergency communication.
- Water and Food Supplies
- 8. Water: At least 2 liters (0.5 gallons) per person per day, stored in food-grade containers. Include portable water purification methods as a backup.
- 9. Food: Non-perishable, nutrient-dense food items such as canned food, protein tablets, and MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat).
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- 10. N99 or N95 Masks: To protect against airborne particles during decontamination or when leaving the shelter.
- 11. Latex Gloves: For handling contaminated materials safely.
- Tools and Equipment
- 12. High-Strength Adhesive Tape: Useful for sealing gaps, repairing equipment, or creating makeshift barriers.
- 13. Multipurpose Knife (with Scissors): A versatile tool for various tasks, from opening cans to cutting materials.
- 14. Hammer: useful for breaking obstacles or securing the shelter entrance.
- 15. Flashlight: A durable, reliable flashlight for navigation during power outages.
- 16. Extra Batteries: To ensure that essential devices like flashlights and detectors remain functional.
- 17. Matches and Candles: Provide light in the event of a power outage.
- Personal Hygiene and Comfort
- 18. Polyethylene (Thermal) Blanket: To retain body heat and provide insulation.
- 19. Clean Clothes and Towels: To reduce contamination risks and maintain hygiene.
- 20. Wet Wipes: For personal hygiene and cleaning surfaces.
- 21. Toilet Paper: Essential for maintaining personal cleanliness.
- 22. Dental Floss: For oral hygiene and as a versatile tool in emergency repairs. It is useful to reduce water consumption.
- 23. Cat Litter (if no toilet is available): Can be used to create a makeshift waste disposal system, helping to maintain hygiene and control odors.
- 24. Inflatable Sleeping Mats: To provide a comfortable sleeping surface, improving rest and overall well-being.
- 25. Hygiene Tweezers: For personal grooming, removing splinters, or handling small objects.
- Additional Medical and Emergency Supplies
- 26. Basic Medical Supplies: Including gauze, adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, a thermometer, and pain relievers.
- 27. Water Purification Tablets: To treat potentially contaminated water.
- 28. Body Warmer Strips: For additional heat in cold conditions.
- 29. Emergency Water Containers: Zipper Plastic Bags: For storing items, sealing contaminated materials, or as emergency water containers, or even condoms (Cleaned), which can serve as emergency water containers (each can hold up to 1 liter).
- 30. Gold and Cash: For bartering, if a long-term societal collapse should occur.

Surviving a nuclear fallout near your location with limited resources is challenging but not impossible. By following the outlined protocol and preparing an emergency bag with essential items, you can significantly increase your chances of survival during a nuclear event. Staying informed, acting quickly, and maintaining a well-stocked shelter are critical factors in withstanding a nuclear fallout.
While planning for worst-case scenarios is important, it is equally vital to remain optimistic and work toward bringing positive change to our world. We must avoid a self-fulfilling prophecy of division and destruction. In an era of political polarization and global upheaval, fostering unity and harmony within our communities can be even more crucial than devising survival strategies. The question of how we, as individuals, can contribute to peace and cooperation, both locally and across cultures, is perhaps the most significant challenge we face today.
Technologies developed for extreme survival, like those used in bunkers, are fueling innovations that extend beyond nuclear crisis management, from combating climate change to propelling humanity toward becoming a spacefaring civilization. Preparedness not only safeguards our future but also inspires groundbreaking solutions that can shape a better, more unified world.
For more information or if you are interested in a custom solution or personalized advice, please contact us at
The ideas and suggestions in this post are derived from the R&D and experience of ABIBOO Studio. ChatGPT was used solely for editing and formatting purposes, but it was not used for any content creation.
For the Spanish version of this article, visit here.
Additional recommended readings:
- Nuclear Explosion.
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Radiation Detectors and Monitors.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Use of Masks and Respirators for Protecting Against Inhalation of Radioactive Materials.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency. Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation.
- World Health Organization. Radiation emergencies.
- U.S. Department of Agriculture. Food and Water Safety During Power Outages and Floods.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in a Radiation Emergency.
- MedlinePlus. Oxygen Therapy.
- Suburban Essex Dental. 10 Alternatives to Brushing Your Teeth.
- Kearny, C.H. (1987). Nuclear War Survival Skills.